Infinity refers to something without any limit>>>>>
Do you know why is gravitation so very much predictable, it is because of maths. The reason is that some mathematical laws does not go hand in hand with the scientific laws. And when it comes to prediction, maths is the game you know something.....Science starts form where maths ends....
The post mainly talk about the infinity... to open up, let me ask you a question....what is infinity..and what is infinity minus infinity...the answer is infinity!! Yes true enough...well to be more specific.....infinity is a type of variable that can be assigned any value in a calculation and later on the sum could be solved without getting an irrefutable data.....
But the main point is that in the higher calculation their are still some quantities that make the calc impossible so a new concept was introduced...THE CONCEPT OF GIVING VALUES TO SPACE VARIABLES.....this go something like under stand how does gravity has been assigned a value of 1/2...similarly gravitons are assigned values such as 3/2...and when these values are taken into count....they let the calculation happen and make space much predictable..
But again a question strikes my is that if infinities are given values then why they would be called infinities..and then how could gravitons be given a no. as they are only some imaginable particles..
well a answer to the question to gravity can be that, actually these are the no. of their electron spin....and every particle like this has an electron that spins...and so by assigning them the value, the calculation happens to take us some very reliable results........
means that f(t) does not bound a finite area from
means that the area under f(t) is infinite.
means that the total area under f(t) is finite, and equals
means that the sum of the infinite series converges to some real value
means that the sum of the infinite series diverges in the specific sense that the partial
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