Thursday, June 20, 2013

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General Relativity Vs Special Relativity

                      General Relativity Vs Special Relativity

Many times I have come into situation when I heard people talking about special relativity and general relativity, and you know what, most of them were wrong. Actually understanding both the theories is very easy, but the tough part is their understanding and application and it would be better if we dont talk about the mathematical application of these. The most interesting part of the theories is that both are anti to each other, that is, they both prove each other wrong but still we have to use both and in actual both do exists and are correct.


The main difference between special relativity and general relativity is all about their limitations. General relativity says that in any frame of reference, a body can not exceed the speed of light, if a body is traveling at a speed near to the speed of light and try to cross it then its time will slow down which will lead to slowdown of its velocity, and the universal law persists. here comes the famous equation of Albert Einstein of E= mc^2. This formula says that is a body travels at a speed of light then its mass will change into energy and hence it cannot cross the speed limit. (At least not in these dimensions). On the other hand, special relativity is all about  situation when the speed of body exceeds the speed of light then what happens. Time dilation came from here, mass inconsistency was from here, and everything is variable is from here. The theory says that if an object travels at a speed more then of light then it time would run slower then the rest of the universe and it s every thing would very by a factor of as shown in the right image. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

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The Red Shift..."Universe Ungraveled" !!

                                         The Red Shift

Have you ever wondered how the hell scientists come to know whether a planet, satellite or any heavenly body in approaching towards earth or not. This would have been quite tough, and up till now, several accidents may have taken place. The hero for this tragedy was Mr.Albert Einstein, he gave the principle of THE RED SHIFT.



THE RED SHIFT is a phenomenon which occur when any light emitting or luminous object approaches or goes away from earth or the observer in the space. What happens is when ever any object emitting light approaches the observer, the light color of the body which is seen by the observer changes. It starts to shift opposite of V.I.B.G.Y.O.R....... that when the object comes near the shift is from red up to the nearest star you will see will be in violet color and the furthest will be in red you may guessing the reason, why the back light of vehicles is in red color. The most important reason is that its penetrating power is highest. So atmosphere does not disturb it a lot.     

This is used by the super computers to calculate the speed of coming body and its distance,the quicker the shift is taking place the quicker the object is traveling. If  going away then it is called THE RED SHIFT, and if coming towards us then THE BLUE DRIFT. This happens because of the different wavelengths of light and their power of penetration. If very far we will see only red color and as it approaches us we can see blue, green etc.....

Monday, June 3, 2013

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Special its simplest form..."INCONSISTENCY DEFINED"

                                          Special Relativity

Special Relativity is one of the greatest work by any scientists. It was gives by Albert Einstein. This theory governs all the macroscopic and microscopic objects........But what is the Special Relativity??? Lets unfold the pages...


Today my friend came to me asking me explain special relativity. Thou i knew what it is, it was simply impossible to explain to some with positively no knowledge of general relativity and variating constants with the speed of light. For me, it was something like explaining differential integration to a 3rd grade student(if he is not albert einstein).... But i took up the task.....and explanation went something as follows--

Name something that is constant--Mass??---no----this is were special relativity arrives. Special relativity talking in general for simplicity, is a theory which tells the effect on a body when it travels at or greater than speed of light. The effect is implied upon such things which we think are constant(as told by our teacher, possibly after reading this, you are going to have a good combat with them....) and ya not to forget, the Time Dilation... For example: mass, length of a body, volume etc (without any external agency)...
What the theory says is that if a body of some mass and some length travels with or above the speed of light, then its mass and length differs from the actual value when it was measured at earth..that is "with respect to earth" hence in relation to it...therefore named SPECIAL RELATIVITY...were speed of light is the SPECIAL condition..


If m is the mass of body at steady position, the  its mass at speed of light M will be given by----

                  M = m{  1/ whole root(1-V*V/C*C) } 

where v is the speed of body and c is the speed of light.... 

You know whats the best part, in place of mass M at steady position you can put any constant value like volume, length, etc and get its value at speed of light....

this may help you

                                                 The Time Dilation

 The above given formula explains how time varies when the body travels with the speed of light also called the time travel.....the other form...when taken in bigger notes. For example, if a train is moving with the speed of light, the time taken to cross a platform measured by a passenger will differ by a man standing at the platform waiting for the train by the above given factor.....this is called time dilation.  

The Turning point

Albert Einstein mainly made this theory for universe expeditions, as the fun part is, he him self has proven that nothing can exceed the speed of light and says the new theory to govern this law as the General Relativity. The theory is highly mathematical and requires high mathematical knowledge(that i don't have, presently)..hence leaving its that governs black holes, quasars, pulsars and expansion.

HE gave on theory and then anti of it...all this just due to the great TIME TRAVEL'S PARADOX..i have already discussed it in my other no more of it..all that grandfather paradox and twins killing them self sucks and is tough to understand..... I hope now you would be able to understand that why is said.......don't dare to say something is constant.           

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