Wednesday, April 3, 2013

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Hypernova and Supernova

                             Hypernova and Supernova 


A supernova is the phenomenon which occurs when a star dies out. When a star dies, it gives out immense amount of energy in form of rays, generally know as gamma ray and their bursting is called gamma ray burst. When a star takes birth, it has some mass, and from Einsteins equation we know that mass is converted into energy, hence the life period, the star uses its mass. But the star also has its standard units of energy below which it cant exists, now when the mass of stars decreases and so the energy, it starts to accelerate the process of energy formation, due to which their is uncontrollable reactions of fission and fusion in the helium  atoms present in the star, due to this a explosion takes place, this explosion is called as supernova.     


Hypernova are generally mistaken as for supernova, these two are completely different things.  A hypernova is process which starts after the occurring of the supernova. When the limit of the supernova exceeds and it starts releasing great amount of gamma rays, it marks the onset of the hypernova, or we can say that the hypernova are the second stage of supernova, is the star poses such great energy.  

Gamma-ray bursts

 Gamma-ray bursts are some of the most energetic events observed in the universe, these occur when the stars explodes and the mass is converted into this kind of rays, which travel though out the universe. These rays are very useful to us, as due to these rays we get to know where the blast has happened, its intensity and its time. Your can say, they are the GPS for us to detect the blasts.

The Blackhole Formation

 It is believed that the blackholes are formed when a dying star enter into the hypernova after super nova. It releases tremendous amount of energy. The death of a star depends upon its size and so does the formationof the supernova or hypernova. It depends on the mass of the star that whether a star will undergo supernova and turn into a white drawf or it will then go to hypernova and turn into a black hole.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

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The Chandrasekhar limit

                              The Chandrasekhar limit

                   The Indian scientist who gave black hole its limits

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar


Chandrasekhar was an Indian scientist who worked on how big a star would be and still separate itself from its own gravity after it has used up all its fuel. The idea was this: when the star becomes small, the matter particles get very near each other. But the Pauli exclusion principle says that two matter particles cannot have both the same position and the same velocity. The matter particle must therefore have very different velocities.this all makes them move away from each other, and so tends to make the star expand. A star can therefore maintain itself at a constant radius by a balance between the attraction of gravity and the repulsion that arises from the exclusion principle, just as earlier in its life the gravity was balanced by the heat. 

Chandrasekhar realized that the exclusion principle can provide. The theory of relativity limits the maximum difference in the velocities of the matter particles in the star. Got sufficient dense,the repulsion caused by the exclusion principle would be less than the attraction of gravity. Chandrasekhar calculated that a cold star of more than about one and a half times the mass of the sun would not be able to support itself against its own gravity. This mass is now as the Chandrasekhar limit. He was awarded the Nobel prize in 1983, it was at least in part, for his earlier work on the limiting mass of cold star.

Monday, April 1, 2013

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Worm Holes

                                     Worm Holes 

                                                           Myth Or truth? 

                                                  Bridge to the outer space?


 Do you know what is the best part of the worm hole? Nobody has actually seen it, neither experimented it,but still its the most promising search for the outer space science. Worm holes are actually like a cylinder of light, which is believed to act as a tunnel  through which we can go from one end of the universe to the other without taking thousands of year of journey. The most fascinating assumptions about the worm hole includes that it allows a body to go faster then light, defying laws of Albert Einstein. But later in this blog you will learn that actually both things stands true, Einstein theories and faster then light phenomenon. I know that its like getting head or tale on the same coin, but its true, lets see how----

Faster-than-light travel 

It is said that the energy within the wormhole is immense and sufficient to accelerate a body to the speed of light. For scientists, these holes are the best hope if they want to travel through time, using special relativity.

Time travel 

It is the most exiting phenomenon for the human race, and the most mistaken one too. The phenomenon of tiem travel have always been a battle ground for the world scientists, the main reason of this is the unification of the general relativity and special relativity. Both are given by the same scientist and are widely accepted, but di you know the interesting part? They both cant occur simultaneously with each other and in the same situation. It is due to the speed of light phenomenon, in the special relativity which causes all this, for better understanding , please read my special relativity post. That explains the time travel best. But one thing for sure, worm holes are the only way to time travel because of their huge amount of energy. No surprise that one day are car has a button that says......ACTIVATE TIME TRAVEL>>>>>


IN our journey of thousands of years, science has always proven greater than human imagination. So it might be true, that one day, we may accommodate enough energy to form a hole, and then our final travel to outer space will start.

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