Sunday, November 3, 2013

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Weather War

                                                     The Weather Warfare(world war 3)

It’s a warning to US, China, Russia and all the super power. The way they are preparing for the world war 3
is not going to be as they might have predicted and prepared for. After the devastation of the chemical and biological weapons, the new beast has taken birth, and his name is WEATHER WAR. Yes you heard it right, and want to know its capacity, 4 billion people homeless and more then 40 thousands killed in just one attempt, want to know how that’s possible? The answer is see what the true statics say of the Uttarakhand tragedy, see the power of the nature, but what if this power of nature comes in the hands of some geeks that really don’t want the things to be the way they are.
The new way of devastation is the weather war, the latest research has enabled the scientists to control the weather, like for example, when there were famines in Rajasthan, Indian government made arrangements for artificial rains and the scene changed, but the other side of the same story is between 1967-72, America got its hand on “cloud seeding”, and used it in the war and named it as “operation POPAYE”. Through this project, America tried to hinder the military activities of Vietnam. But the affects were far different than expected, they were uncontrolled rain that week, causing flood and devastation to life, Vietnam military survived it, but the innocent Vietnamese were unable to control the flood. It was this affect that in the year 1977, UN called a meeting and it was decided to put up a ban on the future research and military use of  The H.A.A.R.P Project of America was one of these, it was to send low frequency waves (radio signals) in the upper atmosphere, and shape it according to our wish. It was ordered to be stopped, but the spies say that this America is still equipped with this weapon. The America’s project named “Smart fury” was designed to turn the direction of an approaching tornado, but the application did not work the way the theory said, and the storms direction changed towards the most populated areas of America, causing devastation, due to this reason, the project smart fury was shown red flag, in the year 1980.
this ability. But the rumours of US and Russia still making up the machines that can control the whether are still being heard. The point is, how can it stopped, and the sad part is that once it whether war starts, it cannot be stopped, and will continue till all the rain water dries up.
The main problem with such type of war is that they can’t be controlled once started, and one can never make out from where did it originated, and the war players will always be a mystery for the whole world.


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